Voltage-gated sodium (Na V ) and potassium (K V ) channels are critical components of neuronal action potential generation and propagation. Here, we report that Na V β1 encoded by SCN1b, an integral subunit of Na V channels, coassembles with and modulates the biophysical properties of K V 1 and K V 7 channels, but not K V 3 channels, in an isoform-specific manner. Distinct domains of Na V β1 are involved in modulation of the different K V channels. Studies with channel chimeras demonstrate that Na V β1-mediated changes in activation kinetics and voltage dependence of activation require interaction of Na V β1 with the channel's voltage-sensing domain, whereas changes in inactivation and deactivation require interaction with the channel's pore domain. A molecular model based on docking studies shows Na V β1 lying in the crevice between the voltage-sensing and pore domains of K V channels, making significant contacts with the S1 and S5 segments. Cross-modulation of Na V and K V channels by Na V β1 may promote diversity and flexibility in the overall control of cellular excitability and signaling. voltage-gated sodium (Na V ) and potassium (K V ) channels mediate the depolarization phase (1) and repolarization phase (2, 3), respectively, of neuronal action potentials. Although intrinsic domains within the Na V α subunits underlie voltage-dependent gating properties and sodium-specific permeation, five Na V β subunits (β1, β1B, β2, β3, β4) assemble with and modulate inactivation kinetics and the voltage dependence of activation and inactivation of Na V α subunits (1, 4). In addition, these Na V β subunits function in cell adhesion and contribute to neuronal migration, pathfinding, and fasciculation (4-8). Given their ubiquitous roles and distribution in the CNS, Na V β subunits play a major role in fine-tuning of action potential generation, propagation, and frequency. Subtle changes to their function have resulted in a range of detrimental neurological diseases in humans such as genetic epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFS+), Dravet syndrome (severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy), temporal lobe epilepsy, febrile seizures, and decreased responsiveness to the anticonvulsant drugs carbamazepine and phenytoin (7-12).K V channels are important contributors to action potential repolarization. K V channels in mammals are encoded by 40 genes grouped into 12 subfamilies (K V 1-K V 12). Na V β1, which was previously thought to be specific for Na V channels, was recently shown to coassemble with and modulate the properties of the K V 4.x subfamily of channels (13-15). In the rodent heart, Na V β1 coprecipitates with K V 4.3, and in heterologous expression systems it increases the amplitude of the K V 4.3 current and speeds up activation (14, 15). In the rodent brain, Na V β1 coprecipitates with K V 4.2, and in heterologous expression systems it enhances surface expression of the channel and increases current amplitude (13). Genetic knockout of Na V β1 in mice prolongs action potential firing in pyramidal neurons through i...