2Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Zdravotně sociální fakulta, katedra radiologie, toxikologie a ochrany obyvatelstva summary Tribulus terrestris (caltrop) is a flowering plant of the family Zygophyllaceae, native to subtropical and tropical regions of the Old World, in Southern Europe, Southern Asia, throughout Africa, and Australia. Tribulus terrestris has been long used in the traditional Chinese and Indian medicine for the treatment of various ailments and is popular for the improvement of sexual functions in a human. Lately, it's one of the most discussed herbs. Studies on the active substances of Tribulus terrestris led to the isolation of many biologically active compounds: steroidal saponins of furostanol and spirostanol type, flavonoids and phytosterols, alkaloids, organic acids, amino acids and carbohydrates.It has been proved that the active substances exhibit antimicrobial, antioxidant, diuretic, hypotensive and antidiabetic activity. All the tests have also shown that biologically active substances exhibit significant effects on the reproductive system. They increase libido in both men and women, increase sperm production and erection, also increase level of sex hormonestestosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, dihydrotestosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate and luteinizing hormone. In animals this plant increases mating frequency and shortens the interval between ejaculations. These positive effects on the reproductive system were verified in a large number of animal studies, there are not many human studies, though they also confirm these effects. Tribulus is not very poisonous plant, but it is not completely safe. Experiments have shown that it causes liver and kidney damage in rats and also shows neurotoxicity. key words: Tribulus terrestris -phytopharmacon -ethnobotany -pharmacology -toxicology -reproductive system biomedicína souhrn Tribulus terrestris (kotvičník zemní) je kvetoucí rostlina z čeledi Zygophyllaceae (kacibovité), domácí v subtropických a tropických oblastech Starého světa, v jižní Evropě, jižní Asii, v celé Africe a Austrálii. Tribulus terrestris se již dlouho používá v tradiční čínské a indické medicíně k léčbě různých onemocnění a je populární tím, že zlepšuje sexuální funkce u člověka. V poslední době je to jedna z nejvíce diskutovaných bylin. Studium účinných látek kotvičníku vedlo k izolaci mnoha biologicky aktivních látek: steroidních saponinů furostanolového a spirostanolového typu, flavonoidů a fytosterolů, alkaloidů, organických kyselin, aminokyselin a sacharidů.