In this note two cosmological models representing the flat Friedmann Universe filled with a Chaplygin fluid, with or without dust, are analyzed in terms of the recently proposed "statefinder" parameters [1]. Trajectories of both models in the parameter plane are shown to be significantly different w.r.t. "quiessence" and "tracker" models. The generalized Chaplygin gas model with an equation of state of the form p = −A/ρ α is also analyzed in terms of the statefinder parameters. PACS numbers: 98.80. Es, 98.80.Cq, 98.80.Hw In the search for cosmological models describing the observed cosmic acceleration [2,3,4], the inspiration coming from inflation has suggested mainly models making use of scalar fields [5,6,7,8,9]. There are of course alternatives; in particular, in [10,11,12] an elementary model has been presented describing a Friedmann universe filled with a perfect fluid obeying the Chaplygin equation of statewhere A is a positive constant (for a thorough review see Ref.[13]). The interesting feature of this model is that it naturally provides a universe that undergoes a transition from a decelerating phase, driven by dust-like matter, to a cosmic acceleration at later stages of its evolution (see [10] for details). An interesting attempt to justify this model [14] makes use of an effective field theory for a three-brane universe [15]. In the flat case, the model can be equivalently described in terms of a homogeneous minimally coupled scalar field φ, with potential [10]However, since models trying to provide a description (if not an explanation) of the cosmic acceleration are proliferating, there exists the problem of discriminating between the various contenders. To this aim a new proposal introduced in [1] makes use of a pair of parameters {r, s}, called "statefinder". The relevant definition is as follows:where H ≡ȧ a is the Hubble constant and q ≡ −ä aH 2 is the deceleration parameter. The new feature of the statefinder is that it involves the third derivative of the cosmological radius.