AB STRACTCon stel la tion Ob serv ing Sys tem for Me te o rol ogy Ion o sphere and Cli mate (COS MIC), con sist ing of six Low Earth Or bit (LEO) Global Po si tion Sys tem (GPS) re ceiv ers, on board the Formosat Sat el lite 3 (FORMOSAT-3) is pro vid ing dense ob ser va tions of den sity, refractivity, tem per a ture and wa ter va por pro files of the neu tral at mo sphere since mid dle of July 2006. Spe cial ra dio sonde (Väisälä) cam paign was con ducted at Gadanki (13.48°N, 79.18°E), a trop i cal site in In dia, dur ing July 2006 to March 2007 to val i date these me te o ro log i cal pa ram e ters. Co-lo cated Nd: YAG Ray leigh lidar was also op er ated dur ing the over pass of COS MIC and is uti lized to val i date the tem per a tures in the height range of 30 to 40 km. A to tal of 142 over passes oc curred dur ing the above men tioned pe riod within 300 km dis tance from Gadanki out of which 41 over passes oc curred within a time dif fer ence of ±4 hours of ra dio sonde launch. In ad di tion, 18 over passes oc curred within the time dif fer ence of ±4 hours of lidar op er a tion. A de tailed com par i son has been made with all these over passes for the refractivity, tem per a ture and wa ter va por ob tained from COS MIC. The wa ter va por com par i son has shown gen er ally a good agree ment with a mean dif fer ence of 5 -10% be low 6 -7 km. Al though there is a colder bias be tween COS MIC and ra dio sonde, a very good com par i son in tem per a ture is also found be tween 10 and 27 km with a mean dif fer ence of less than 1 K (RMS dif fer ence is only 0.64 K). There ex ists a large dif fer ence in tem per a ture of about 8 K be tween 30 and 40 km (be tween COS MIC and lidar). Pos si ble rea sons for these large dif fer ences are given. There was one event that oc curred just over Gadanki for which a de tailed com par i son has been made with spe cial em pha sis on wa ter va por re triev als. Sen si tiv ity test is also done on the frac tional dif fer ence in N for the event that occurred on 24 July 2006 between COSMIC (1D-var) and radiosonde and found that pressure plays a key role than temperature in determining the refractivity. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 20, 59-70, doi: 10.3319/ TAO.2008.01.23.01(F3C)
IN TRO DUC TIONRa dio occultation soundings of the sig nals from the Global Po si tion ing Sys tem Sat el lites (GPS) are be ing used to ob tain ver ti cal pro files of at mo spheric tem per a ture, pressure and wa ter va por for cli mate re search and weather predic tion (Kursinski et al. 1997). The GPS Ra dio occultation tech nique has emerged as a pow er ful tool for ex plor ing the earth's at mo sphere from ground to a height of around 40 km and also in the ion o sphere af ter the suc cess ful launch of GPS/MET which has pro vided a 'proof of con cept' of GPS Ra dio Occultation (RO) tech nique. Sev eral mis sions such as Oers ted and SAC-C (Hajj et al. 2004) fol lowed GPS/