Adolescence, spanning from 10 to 19 years, is a pivotal stage marked by profound physical, cognitive, emotional, and social changes as individuals transition from childhood to adulthood. This period emphasizes significant growth and exploration. Social competence is integral to adolescents' overall development, involving skills to navigate interactions, build connections, and thrive in social settings, with a focus on peer relationships, self-identity, and societal expectations. Altruistic behaviour, characterized by selfless actions and care for others, is prevalent in this phase, fostering social connections and shaping ethical values. Recognizing and encouraging altruism significantly impacts adolescents' social and emotional maturation, fostering responsibility and compassion. This review study aims to explore the social competence and altruistic behaviour of adolescents. A careful curation of relevant literature has been conducted, drawing from reputable sources including Frontier, Springer, Elsevier, and ResearchGate. This thorough investigation ensures the delivery of valuable insights into the social competence and altruistic behaviour of adolescents.