Crystals of laueite, Mn 2+ Fe 3+ 2 (PO 4 ) 2 (OH) 2 ·8H 2 O, from the Cornelia mine open cut, Hagendorf Sü d, Bavaria, are zoned due to aluminium incorporation at the iron sites, with analysed Al 2 O 3 contents varying up to 11 wt.%. Synchrotron X-ray data were collected on two crystals with different Al contents and the structures refined. The laueite structure contains two independent Fe 3+ -containing sites; M2 and M3, which alternate in 7 Å corner-connected octahedral chains. The coordination polyhedra are different for the two sites, M2O 4 (OH) 2 and M3O 2 (OH) 2 (H 2 O) 2 respectively. The structure refinements show that Al preferentially orders into site M3. Refined site occupancies for M2 and M3 for the two crystals are: for crystal L-1, M2 = 0.70(1) Fe + 0.30(1) Al, M3 = 0.54(1) Fe + 0.46(1) Al and for crystal L-2, M2 = 0.67(1) Fe + 0.33(1) Al, M3 = 0.48(1) Fe + 0.52(1) Al. For crystal L-2, the octahedral chains have dominant Fe in M2, alternating with dominant Al in M3 along the chain, an ordering phenomenon not previously reported for laueite-related minerals.