Main group chemistry of dinucleating ligands based on a xanthene backbone and two parallel diiminato binding sites (Xanthdim) has been investigated. To complement studies concerning the coordination modes adopted by Xanthdim in combination with alkali metal ions a di-rubidium complex with toluene co-ligands has been prepared. Its structural parameters lie in between those previously observed AlMe 2 ) 2 (5) were isolated and fully characterised.They were found to be dynamic in solution and Al-CH 3 ···F-aryl interactions were detected in case of 5. The solid-state structures and NMR spectroscopic properties of all compounds were determined and analysed.
ARTICLEScheme 3. Synthesis of 1(tol) 2 (R = 2,3-dimethylphenyl).of lithium, potassium, caesium, magnesium and calcium complexes (whereas the second valences of magnesium and calcium were saturated by amido and diiminato ligands, respectively). [31] The research described here expands these investigations to organometallic chemistry of the elements rubidium and magnesium. Moreover, for the first time a group 13 element, namely aluminium, has been included, as the Xanthdim ligand matrix may also be expected to support the cooperation of two aluminium atoms in polymerisation catalysis.
Results and Discussion
Group 1 Organometallics: Coordination of Rubidium Ions with Toluene Co-LigandsAddition of RbOtBu·0.81tBuOH to a solution of [ Me 2 C 6 H 3 Xanthdim]H 2 in thf caused a rapid colour change from yellow to orange indicating a spontaneous deprotonation of the ligand precursor. Subsequent addition of excessive hexane to a concentrated solution of the product in toluene led to the precipitation of [ Me 2 C 6 H 3 Xanthdim](Rb(tol)) 2 (1(tol) 2, Scheme 3). It is noteworthy that the toluene molecules coordinated to the rubidium ions can be removed completely in vacuo, resulting in [ Me 2 C 6 H 3 Xanthdim](Rb) 2 (1), which could be isolated in 81 % yield. Complex 1 is readily soluble in benzene, toluene, thf and dichloromethane; stability in dichloromethane is clearly limited, though, due to the not unexpected reactivity of 1 against halogenated solvents. However, NMR spectroscopic characterisation of a [D 2 ]dichloromethane solution was offhandedly possible, and the 1 H NMR spectrum showed characteristics that confirmed the quantitative formation of [ Me 2 C 6 H 3 Xanthdim] 2and thus a complete conversion of [ Me 2 C 6 H 3 Xanthdim]H 2 to 1: a singlet resonance at δ = 7.84 ppm for the diiminato protons instead of a doublet (as observed in case of [ Me 2 C 6 H 3 Xanthdim]H 2 ), and the absence of the signal at around 12 ppm corresponding to the acidic NH protons of the ligand precursor.Crystals of 1(tol) 2 ·2(tol) suitable for single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis could be obtained by slow evaporation of the solvent from a concentrated solution of 1 in toluene at room temp. The molecular structure is shown in Figure 1. As recently reported for dinuclear potassium as well as caesium complexes of the [ Me 2 C 6 H 3 Xanthdim] 2ligand, [31] also in 1(tol) 2 · 2(tol) the β-di...