Environmental regulations are forcing the reformulation of many decorative and protective coatings systems. In particular, air-drying solventborne alkyd paints need to meet increasingly stringent emission limits and often must be reformulated with suitable exempt solvents or reactive diluents to achieve volatile organic compound (VOC) reduction. In the research summarized in this article, a new reactive diluent, tetra(2,7-octadienyl) titanate, was synthesized and evaluated in alkyd formulations for VOC reduction and property enhancement. A soy-based long-oil alkyd resin; a soy-based high-solids, long-oil alkyd resin; and a linseed-based, high-solids long-oil alkyd resin were evaluated in combination with the new reactive diluent at weight percentages ranging from 10% to 50%. Characterization included measuring viscosity, film dry times, and film performance of the reactive diluent formulations in comparison to neat alkyd resins used as control. The tetra(2,7-octadienyl) titanate formulations consistently exhibited reduced viscosities and dry times as a function of concentration. The resulting films were harder and more thoroughly cured than the control systems.