The [URE3] phenotype in Saccharomyces cerevisiaepropagates by a prion mechanism, involving the aggregation of the normally soluble and highly helical protein Ure2. Previous data have shown that the protein spontaneously forms in vitro long, straight, insoluble fibrils at neutral pH that are similar to amyloids in that they bind Congo red and show green-yellow birefringence and have an increased resistance to proteolysis. These fibrils are not amyloids as they are devoid of a cross- core. Here we further document the mechanism of assembly of Ure2p into fibrils. The critical concentration for Ure2p assembly is measured, and the minimal size of the nuclei that are the precursors of Ure2p fibrils is determined. Our data indicate that the assembly process is irreversible. As a consequence, the critical concentration is very low. By analyzing the elongation rates of preformed fibrils and combining the results with singlefiber imaging experiments of a variant Ure2p labeled by fluorescent dyes, we reveal the polarity of the fibrils and differences in the elongation rates at their ends. These results bring novel insight in the process of Ure2p assembly into fibrils and the mechanism of propagation of yeast prions.Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease, bovine spongiform encephalopathy, and sheep scrapie are transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. They are believed to be caused by a constitutive protein called prion protein (PrP) in an altered conformation (1). This rare form of the protein is thought to convert the normal form to the infectious conformation in a catalytic manner (for review, see Ref.2). The molecular events at the origin of propagation are not yet elucidated. In the lower eukaryotes Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Podospora anserina prion proteins have been identified taking advantage of traits they confer (3-7). These proteins are harmless for humans and constitute valuable model systems to characterize prion propagation.The [URE3] phenotype in S. cerevisiae is caused by a disorder in a signal transduction cascade that regulates nitrogen catabolism (8). Yeast cells exhibiting the [URE3] phenotype have the ability to take up ureidosuccinate, the structural analogue of allantoate, a poor nitrogen source in the presence of a good nitrogen source such as ammonium ions. This is believed to be because of the loss of the function of the protein determinant of [URE3], Ure2p, whose function is unknown although reported to be involved in yeast heavy metal and strong oxidant detoxification (9). Importantly, Ure2p [URE3] promotes the conversion of the newly synthesized active Ure2p into an inactive form. Thus, the Ure2p [URE3] state is heritable, independent of any nucleic acid (10).Native soluble Ure2p assembles in vitro into fibrils that exhibit the characteristics of amyloids in that they are about 20 nm wide and more than 1 m long, bind thioflavin T and Congo Red, show yellow-green birefringence in polarized light upon Congo Red binding, and exhibit an increased resistance to proteolysis (11-13). The assembly reaction fo...