Identifying disease-related genes is an important issue in computational biology. Module structure widely exists in biomolecule networks, and complex diseases are usually thought to be caused by perturbations of local neighborhoods in the networks, which can provide useful insights for the study of disease-related genes. However, the mining and effective utilization of the module structure is still challenging in such issues as a disease gene prediction.
We propose a hybrid disease-gene prediction method integrating multiscale module structure (HyMM), which can utilize multiscale information from local to global structure to more effectively predict disease-related genes. HyMM extracts module partitions from local to global scales by multiscale modularity optimization with exponential sampling, and estimates the disease relatedness of genes in partitions by the abundance of disease-related genes within modules. Then, a probabilistic model for integration of gene rankings is designed in order to integrate multiple predictions derived from multiscale module partitions and network propagation, and a parameter estimation strategy based on functional information is proposed to further enhance HyMM’s predictive power. By a series of experiments, we reveal the importance of module partitions at different scales, and verify the stable and good performance of HyMM compared with eight other state-of-the-arts and its further performance improvement derived from the parameter estimation.
The results confirm that HyMM is an effective framework for integrating multiscale module structure to enhance the ability to predict disease-related genes, which may provide useful insights for the study of the multiscale module structure and its application in such issues as a disease-gene prediction.