We prove some unique factorization results for tensor products of free quantum group factors. They are type III analogues of factorization results for direct products of bi-exact groups established by Ozawa and Popa. In the proof, we first take continuous cores of the tensor products, which satisfy a condition similar to condition (AO), and discuss some factorization properties for the continuous cores. We then deduce factorization properties for the original type III factors. We also prove some unique factorization results for crossed product von Neumann algebras by direct products of bi-exact groups.We mention that for anyĜ ∈ C, if L ∞ (G) is a type III 1 factor and its Haar state h issee Subsections 2.1 and 2.2). So as a particular case, we can putIn the paper, we also prove some unique factorization results for crossed product von Neumann algebras by direct product groups. In this situation, we assume that the given isomorphism preserves subalgebras on which groups act, so that we can compare direct product groups. We obtain the following theorem. In the theorem, the symbol ⋊ means the crossed product von Neumann algebras.
Fullness and Discrete decompositionsIn the subsection, we recall Connes's discrete decomposition and related notions. We refer the reader to [4] (see also [6]).Let ω be a free ultra filter on N. Consider two C * -algebrasThe quotient C * -algebra A ω /J ω becomes a von Neumann algebra and we denote it by M ω . We say a factor M is full if Inn(M ) is closed in Aut(M ) in the u-topology, namely, the topology of pointwise norm convergence in M * . A factor M is full if and only if M ω ≃ C for some (any) ultra filter ω. Let M be a von Neumann algebra and φ a faithful normal semifinite weight on M . Then the modular operator ∆ φ and the modular conjugation J φ are defined on L 2 (M, φ)