ERWIN BUNCEL, RICHARD M. TARKKA, and JULIAN M. DUST. Can. J. Chem. 72, 1709Chem. 72, (1994. Heats of formation (AHf) for a series of aromatics that are progressively more electron deficient (benzene, 6; nitrobenzene, 7; 4-fluoronitrobenzene, 8; 1,3-dinitrobenzene, 9; 2,4,6-trinitroanisole, 2; and 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene, 1) were determined by semiempirical AM1 calculations. As a probe of the factors that govern the regioselectivity exhibited in the formation of anionic aadducts (Meisenheimer complexes), experimental gas-phase AHf values for the prototypical oxygen and carbon nucleophiles (hydroxide, methoxide, and methide anions) were used in a thermochemical calculation along with the calculated AHf of the electrophiles and the adducts to determine the heats of complexation (AH,). The present results show that for the series of nitroaryl electrophiles, 7,9, and 1, hydroxide and methide anions exhibit the sanze regioselectivity based on thermodytlarnics of Meisenheimer complex fornlation. Specifically, Meisenheimer complexes derived from attack at a position para to at least one nitro group (designated MC-4) are formed with the greatest exothermicity (AH,). Exothermicity of complexation increases for both hydroxide and methide adduct formation as the number of nitro groups in the electrophile is increased, from 7 to 9 and to 1, but formation of the methide adducts occurs uniformly with greater exothermicity than that of hydroxide adducts. These results are considered in light of solution calorimetric data that quantify adduct stability in condensed phases. Surprisingly, it is found that regioselectivity inverts for CH3-as compared to O H and CH30-in complexation with 2,4,6-trinitroanisole, 2. Thus, while methoxide and hydroxide form adducts at C-l of TNA with higher exothermicity than at C-3, methide preferentially forms an adduct at C-3 according to the same enthalpy criterion. These results arise from the degree of stereoelectronic stabilization that may be imparted to the respective Meisenheimer complexes formed from ips0 attack, that is, the adducts (MC-1) that are geminally disubstituted with electronegative heteroatom groups. For the methoxide MC-1 of TNA, 2, full stereoelectronic stabilization is provided by n q : ' ; donation from nonbonding electron pairs of the acetal-like methoxyl moieties to suitable C-0 acceptor bonds. However, the methide moiety of the comparable MC-1 of TNA cannot partake in such an interaction and, so, with methide, MC-3 formation is preferred over MC-1. Further evidence is provided by consideration of the two energy minima obtained from optimization of the geometry of the oxygen-centred adducts formed by attack of methoxide at C-1 of TNA, 2. In the presence of a point charge that simulates an ion-paired cation, an "M-shaped" conformer is favoured for MC-1, while in the absence of a counterion the "S-shaped" conformer is favoured. Without a complexing counterion M and S conformers are both local minima, while the "S" conformer constitutes the global minimum. The AM1 optimized str...