An approach to estimate the uncertainty of the calculated
the monomer cycle cluster-continuum model Gibbs free energy of transfer
has been developed and suggested to be used as a quantitative measure
of the reliability of the predictions. A set of experimental Na+ free energies of transfer from water to 18 solvents (ΔG
tr(Na+, W → S)) has been assessed.
For all solvents, we find Na+(S)
clusters to be thermodynamically unstable if n >
5. For 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCIE), we have resolved considerable
(ca. 10 kcal mol–1) discrepancies between available
experimental ΔG
tr(Na+, W → S). For 1,1-DCIE, we reject the only available experimental
value and recommend our own estimate instead. We strongly propose
experimental revisiting of ΔG
tr(Na+, W → S) for ethylene glycol and hexamethylphosphoramide.
The statistical analysis performed on a set of predicted and recommended
experimental ΔG
tr(Na+, W → S) values, in this work, results in the mean unsigned
and signed deviations of 3.4 and −1.3 kcal mol–1, respectively. The squared Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.91
encourages the extension of the utilized theoretical approach to other
available experimental data on ion solvation.