A experiment was conducted in Crop Research Farm in department of agronomy during Zaid season of 2023 on Black gram crop. The treatment consisted of 3 levels of Boron (3000,4000,5000 ppm/ha) and Molybdenum (600,700,800 ppm/ha) as foliar spray and control. The experiment was lay out in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 10 treatments and replicated thrice. Application of Boron (5000ppm/ha) and Molybdenum (800ppm/ha) produced higher Plant height (48.47 cm), more dry weight/plant (9.43 g), maximum number of pods per plant (29.80), number of branches/plant (32.07),number of nodules per plant (6.80),crop growth rate (2.68g/m2/day), number of seeds per pod (7.73), Test weight (40.20 g), Seed yield (1.39t/ha), Stover yield (2.99 t/ha).Treatment combination with Boron (5000ppm/ha) and Molybdenum (800ppm/ha) highest gross return (69500.00INR/ha), net return (43209.90INR/ha) and benefit cost ratio (1.64) when compared to the control (RDF).