The paper aims to investigate the protective effect of ethanolic ginger extract against Monosodium glutamate (MSG) induced reproductive disorders in male rats. Forty-eight male albino rats were separated into four experimental groups: normal control, ginger extract, MSG only, and MSG plus ginger extract groups. All experimental regimens were administrated orally for four weeks. Dissection was done after two and four weeks from the starting of the experiment. Body and testis weight, sperm abnormalities, biochemical investigations were recorded.Additionally, molecular, histopathological, and immunohistochemical techniques in testis tissue were performed. The present data shows a significant increase in body weight, sperm abnormalities, and serum total cholesterol, with a significant decline in testis weight, serum Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), Luteinizing hormone (LH), and testosterone levels after MSG administration. There was an upregulation in the expression of Bax protein whereas downregulation in the expression of B-cell lymphoma-2 (BCL-2) protein in the MSG group when compared with the normal control. Furthermore, testicular alterations were distinguished in the group treated with MSG only, along with enhanced caspase-3 and declined BCl-2 positive cells in testis tissue. While administration with ethanolic ginger extract showed an ameliorative effect contrasted with testicular alterations produced by Monosodium glutamate.
Study Protocol:Rats were left for one week as an acclimatization period before treatment. The animals were separated into 4 experimental groups (12 animal/group). The first group served as the normal control group which was given distilled water. The second group was given Ginger Extract (GE ) only at 50 mg/kg b.wt according to (Bordbar et al., 2013), while the third group received MSG only at 2 mg/g b.wt according to (Igwebuike et al., 2011). Finally, the 4 th group was received GE at 50 mg/kg b.wt, and MSG at 2 mg/g b.wt. All experimental regimens were given orally to rats for 4 consecutive weeks daily, animals were dissected after two and four weeks from the beginning of the experiment.
Samples Collection:After two and four weeks, the weight of each animal was documented, then all rats were autopsied through diethyl ether (Sigma, USA) inhalation anesthesia, after which animals were carefully dissected. Epididymis was removed for sperm abnormalities and testes weights were recorded. Blood was collected by cardiac acupuncture in centrifuge tubes left to clot and centrifuged at 3000 rpm for twenty minutes. then serum was collected and kept at −20°C till usage. All animals tests were collected for molecular and histochemical studies.
Sperm Head Abnormality Test:Sperm-shape abnormalities were made according to the method described by Wyrobek ( 1978). In detail, caudal epididymis was sited in a Petri-dish containing one ml of NaCl (0.9 %). The epididymis was cut off into small pieces to allow the sperms to get out. Then, three drops of this solution were used to prepare the smears. The sl...