Long-cultivated solonets and saline land areas have become a significant reserve of agricultural production increase. The efficiency of reclamation methods or technologies is determined according to their reclamation and agronomic effect. In the present study we investigate the influence of single and repeated land gypsuming of multinatrium solonets of sodium salinization upon crop yield. The economic effect of this method is also analyzed. The study was carried out in Western Siberia for a long period of time (over 20 years). We used phosphogypsym (bypass product of phosphor fertilizers) as an ameliorator. The quantity of gypsuming for reclamation was calculated according to soil layer sizes – 5, 10, and 20 sm. The results suggest that chemical reclamation of multinatrium solonets areas is cost-effective in case of repeated gypsuming. It’s essential to conduct random reclamation procedures in solonets land areas to increase sustainable and heavy yield. Reclamation efficiency is evaluated according to soil quality development and economic inputs onreclamation.