This study intends to decompose apprenticeships. First, based on an extensive review of existing literature, it proposes a formal definition of apprenticeships that differentiates this type of training modality from other types of skills training. Second, it explores core elements and principles in depth that are central to apprenticeship programs- both in terms of their design and delivery- and presents examples of best practices from around the world that LAC countries can use as potential instruments to apply within their contexts. Third, it assesses the status of apprenticeship-type programs in LAC and provides an overview of the specific challenges these programs face in the region. By providing potential solutions to address them, the study sheds light on the transferability of long-standing apprenticeship models (Germany, Austria, Australia, the United Kingdom, among others) and, more so, of the aforementioned core elements and principles to the LAC context. Finally, in an attempt to close the gap between the theoretical and the practical, it provides a hands-on tool kit for policy makers and employers to ask pertinent questions when considering the design of new programs or the revamping of existing ones.