Modern media discourse reflects all the trends in language development and, as a result, reflects all its inconsistencies. The modern media discourse reflects the tolerant attitude of speakers/writers towards different linguistic elements, which often do not comply with strict standard. The media text reflects all language processes the best of all, sometimes it outstrips the lingual standard. The article analyzes the concept of tolerance as a relation to modern linguistic processes, especially to borrowings, based on the material of modern media discourse. Problems of modern media discourse, modern communication, and therefore speech standard, are studied in connection with ecological thinking, language phenomena are considered from usefulness to improve language as a system. Modern orthology presupposes the extension of the framework of normativity. In the current communicative practices in relation to borrowings and different deviations, the category of tolerance dominates. But this feature does not indicate the gap of fixed ideas about normativity/non-normativity in language consciousness. The cultivation of the modern communicative space involves not only the study of the standard and its dynamics, but also the use of a system of norms, including ethics and speech norm, in media discourse. It was necessary for such a comprehensive research object to use methods of discourse analysis, linguistic pragmatics, including the variability of interpretations and stratification of linguistic units as tolerant/intolerant in media discourse and identification of interrelations between the category of tolerance and the basic principles of ecological thinking. The skills of using borrowed and jargon units when creating a media text are formed and fixed as mandatory in teaching the discipline "Modern Media Text" in professional training of specialists for the media industry.