1. A method is described for the routine isolation of ribosomes from small quantities of skeletal muscle that have been homogenized with the Ultra-Turrax tissue disintegrator. 2. Ribosomes prepared by this method from rats receiving triamcinolone acetonide or rabbits receiving cortisone acetate show a marked fall in their ability to incorporate amino acids when compared with ribosomes from control animals. 3. This fall in activity can be partially prevented in rats by pretreating the animals with an anabolic steroid, steroid 36644-Ba. 4. Testosterone (5mg./kg.) administered to rabbits in conjunction with cortisone acetate is not effective in maintaining ribosomal activity. However, steroid 36644-Ba at onetenth of an equiandrogenic dose (0-05mg./kg.) is extremely effective. 5. The results with ribosomes isolated from rabbits support the concept that steroid 36644-Ba and possibly all anabolic steroids have an ability to counteract the catabolic action of corticosteroids that is greater than their androgenic activity would suggest.It has been known for some years that androgens (anabolic steroids) are clinically useful for counteracting and controlling the undesirable effects of chronic corticosteroid therapy. The subject has been reviewed by Reifenstein (1956 WVhite (1967) that the amino acid-incorporating ability of ribosomes (called in the present paper P ribosomes) isolated from the psoas muscle of rats fell after Al-9oc-fluorohydrocortisone 16ac,17c-acetonide (triamcinolone acetonide) had been given in vivo, and that pretreatment of the animals with the anabolic compound 17fl-hydroxy-170c-methylandrosta-1,4-dien-3-one (methandionone or methandrostenolone) enabled full ribosomal activity to be retained. In the present paper these results have been extended by the examination of another anabolic steroid (steroid 36644-Ba) composed of 14 17, -hydroxy -7oc,17c -dimethyl -A -nor -B homooestrane-3,6-dione (I) in equilibrium with its enol form (II).One of the most important questions in the clinical use of anabolic steroids is whether their ability to antagonize the catabolic effects of glucocorticoids is due solely to their androgenicity. On the basis of the levator ani assay (Hershberger, Shipley & Meyer, 1953), which uses the castrated male rat, steroid 36644-Ba, administered subcutaneously, was 150-500 times more efficient than methyltestosterone in restoring the weight of the levator ani muscle to normal, but only 2-5-10 times more potent than methyltestosterone in restoring the weight of the seminal vesicles and ventral prostate (Desaulles & Schar, 1967). Thus the compound can be said to have an anabolic to androgenic ratio between 15 and 200.To see whether steroid 36644-Ba has an anticatabolic to androgenic ratio in a similar range, experiments were carried out with ribosomes from rabbits that had been pretreated with cortisone acetate. A regimen for drug administration was used (Little, 1966) in which cortisone acetate was administered to rabbits for 2 weeks followed by a 2-week period in which the animals...