A serious limitation to the use of N(O,S)-heptafluorobutyryl isobutyl amino acid derivatives in the analysis of 15N-labeling kinetics of amino acids in plant tissues, is that the amides glutamine and asparagine undergo acid hydrolysis to glutamate and aspartate, respectively, during derivatization. This led us to consider an altemative procedure (G Fortier et a/. [1986] (N-HFBI3) derivatives of amino acids are convenient for routine quantification of amino acid pools in higher plant tissues by GC, and determination of the 'sN abundance of the majority of their aamino groups by GC-MS (2,(11)(12)(13)(14). However, a serious limitation ofthis analytical methodology in '5N-tracer studies is that during derivatization, glutamine and asparagine undergo deamidation to glutamate and aspartate, respectively (12,14). Thus, independent quantification of glutamate, glutamine, asparagine, and aspartate requires prior separation of the neutral + basic and acidic amino acid fractions using ion exchange chromatography, and, more importantly, two key N groups (the amide moieties of glutamine and asparagine) are lost as NH4' during derivatization of the neutral + basic amino acid fraction (2,(11)(12)(13)(14). The latter problem has prompted us to seek methods for sensitively estimating the amide-['5N] abundance of glutamine and asparagine, using
N(O,S)-Heptafluorobutyryl isobutylLemna minor as a model plant system.A specific solution to the problem of estimating the amide-['5N] abundance of asparagine was found by noting that a small fraction (0.5-2%) of the asparagine in neutral + basic amino acid fractions routinely undergoes dehydration and nitrile formation at the amide position during derivatization, yielding the N-HFBI derivative of j3-cyanoalanine; a derivative which contains both the amide and amino nitrogen groups of asparagine. However, this procedure requires relatively large quantities of asparagine (>500 nmol/derivatization) in order to reliably detect the dehydration product at sufficient levels to obtain meaningful electron ionization mass spectra and hence isotope abundance, and moreover, a comparable dehydration product of glutamine is not obtained. A fraction of the glutamine undergoes deamidation and cyclization to yield the N-HFBI derivative of pyroglutamate (2-pyrrolidone-5-carboxylate), but the latter contains only the amino nitrogen moiety ofglutamine (12). We therefore sought alternative derivatization schemes for the amides which would produce derivatives containing both the amide and amino nitrogen moieties of glutamine. Woo et al. (19) have successfully employed trimethylsilyl-3