Purified human interleukin-2 secreted by peripheral blood lymphocytes from healthy donors was found to exist in several forms. These forms were (partially) resolved by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography and sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Two major polypeptide species (interleukin-2 N, and N2, 16.5 kDa) were shown to be glycosylated on the basis of [3H]galactose/[3H]glu~o~amine incorporation and determination of amino sugars after acid hydrolysis. A third component (interleukin-2 M, 14.5 kDa) represents a nonglycosylated form. The amino acid composition and the NH,-terminal sequence of both forms are consistent with the data deduced from the cDNA coding for interleukin-2 after removal o f a leader peptidc of 20 amino acids. Carbohydrates are 0-linked to the IL-2 protein via threonine-3 of the polypeptide chain. The oligosaccharides were released by reductive p-elimination and were purified by gel filtration and highperformance liquid chromatography. Applying methylation analysis, exoglycosidase digestion and fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry the following major carbohydrate structures were identified: N NeuAc(a2 -3)Gal(p 1 -3)GalNAc-01; and N2, NeuAc(a2 -3)Gal(fi 1 -3)[NeuAc(a2-6)]CalNAc-ol.