Genomes of the closely related bacteriophages fX174 and S13 are 5386 bases long and di¡er at 114 nucleotides, a¡ecting 28 amino acids. Both parental phages were adapted to laboratory culture conditions in replicate lineages and analysed for nucleotide changes that accumulated experimentally. Of the 126 experimental substitutions, 90% encoded amino-acid changes, and 62% of the substitutions occurred in parallel in more than one exp erimental line. Furthermore, missense changes at 12 of the experimental sites were at residues di¡ering between the parental phages; in ten cases the fX174 experimental lineages were convergent with the S13 parent, or vice versa, at both the nucleotide and amino-acid levels. Convergence at a site was even obtained in both directions in three cases. These results point to a limited number of pathways taken during evolution in these viruses, and also raise the possibility that much of the amino-acid variation in the natural evolution of these viruses has been selected.