Six single-Trp mutants were engineered by individually reintroducing each of the native Trp residues into a functional lactose permease mutant devoid of Trp (Trp-less permease; Menezes ME, Roepe PD, Kaback HR, 1990, Proc Nut1 Acud Sci USA 87: 1638-1642), and fluorescent properties were studied with respect to solvent accessi- Complete blockade of labeling is observed in the presence of TDG, as well as a 30% decrease in accessibility to iodide with no change in acrylamide quenching. Overall, the findings are consistent with the proposal (Wu J, Frillingos S, Kaback HR, 1995a, Biochemistry 34:8257-8263) that ligand binding induces a conformational change at the C-terminus of helix I such that Pro 28 and Pro 31, which are on one face, become more accessible to solvent, whereas Trp 33, which is on the opposite face, becomes less accessible to the aqueous phase. The findings regarding accessibility to collisional quenchers are also consistent with the predicted topology of the six native Trp residues in the permease.