Branched-chain amino acids are transported into Escherichia coli by a low-affinity system, LIV-II, and by two high-affinity systems, 18). The latter two high-affinity systems are the focus of this paper. The LIV-I system transports leucine, isoleucine, and valine, whereas the LS system transports only leucine. The two systems have a common set of membrane components and are distinguished by the specificities of their periplasmic binding proteins (9). The LIV-I binding protein binds L-leucine, L-isoleucine, and L-valine with approximately equal affinity and is coded for by the livJ gene, whereas the LS binding protein binds D-and L-leucine but neither isoleucine nor valine and is coded for by livK, the first gene in an operon that also codes for the common membrane components. The genes are closely linked near min 76 on the E. coli chromosome within a region referred to as the LIV-I locus.The LIV-I locus is regulated by leucine, as determined by assaying the transport and leucine binding activities of periplasmic shock fluids (1,19 scribed and termed lrp (leucine-responsive regulatory protein) (11, 16). Mutations in lrp affect the expression of a number of operons, including ilvIH (16), serA (11,20), sdaA (11), tdh (11,20), and oppABCDF (5). The expression of each of these operons, like those composing the LIV-I locus, is altered by growing cells in the presence of leucine. Given the similarity in map location and the common connection to leucine, it seemed possible that livR and lrp are the same locus. Rex et al. raised this possibility recently in connection with studies showing that a livR allele had a dramatic effect upon the regulation of the tdh and serA operons (20). Here we show that livR and lrp are indeed the same gene. A livRJ-containing strain had mutations in lrp, and these mutations were shown to affect the expression of ilvIH, an operon known to be regulated by lrp. Moreover, lrp mutations that arose under conditions having nothing to do with amino acid transport were shown to affect the expression of livJ and livK.An important finding that came out of these studies is the amino acid transport phenotype of a strain with a null mutation in lrp. Such a strain shows high, constitutive transport of branched-chain amino acids. This result reflects the fact that expression from the livJ and livK promoters is similarly high and constitutive. These results suggest that Lrp, the product of lrp, negatively regulates livJ and livK expression. As we point out in the Discussion, a negative effect of lrp coupled with leucine-mediated repression is a pattern that is unique for operons known to be regulated by lrp.