“…The residue was dissolved in methanol (2 ml) and 2hl-sodiurn ethyl hexanoate in methyl isobutyl ketone (0.03 ml) was added. The resulting solution was again evaporated and triturated with dry ether to afford the product disodium salt (26 mg, 44%) as an amorphous white solid; RF (a) 0.35; biochromatogram, single zone, RF 0.07; 6 [(CD3)2SO] 1.40 and 1.52 [6 H, 2s, (CH,),C], 1.69 (3 H, s, CH3CO), 2.18 [4 H, m, (CH2)2], 3.80 (1 H, s, 3-H of penicillin), 3.81 26 on a O.~-M scale to give the monoprotected acid, which was recrystallised from water (6.2 g, 30%); m.p. 214.5-216 "C (decomp.)…”