The addition of bromine to 2,2-diphenyl-4-pentenylan~ine ( 8 0 ) resulted in the formation of 2-bromomethyl-4,4-diphenylpyrrolidine hydrobromide (IOn), the structure of which was established by its mass spectrum and other properties. Analogous products were obtained from the corresponding methyl secondary amine and two methyl-substituted primary amines.The bromomethylpyrrolidines IOa and 10c gave the aziridines I l n a n d I l b on treatment with sodium hydride in DMF. D r y hydrogen bromide converted the unsubstituted aziridine l l a to 3,3-diphenyl-5-bromopiperidine hydrobromide ( 1 2 0 ) . Liberation of the methyl substituted bromomethylpyrrolidine l o b from the hydrobromide salt resulted in the spontaneous transformation to a single 2-methyl-3-bromopiperidine (12b) of unestablished stereochemistry.L'addition d u brome sur la diphinyl-2,2 penttnyl-4 nmine (80) conduit au bromhydrate de la brornomCthy1-2 diphenyl-4,4 pyrrolidine (Ion) dont la structtire a CtC dCterminCe par spectrometric de masse ainsi que par d'aulres propri6tCs. Des produits analogues ont ttC obtenus h partir d e la methylamine secondail'e correspondante ainsi que de deux amines primaires substituCes par des groupes mithyles.Les bromomCthylpyrrolidines Ion et 10c par traitement avec de I'hydrure de sodium dans le DMF conduisent aux aziridines l l a et l l b . L'acide bromhydrique sec transforme l'aziridine non-substitut 1 l a en brornhydrate de diphenyl-3,3 bromo-5 pipiridhe ( 1 2 a ) . L a neutralisation de l'acide bromhydrique libtre la bromom6thylpyrrolidine substituC p a r un groupe mCthyle ( l o b ) qui se transforme spontanement en une seule mCthyl-2 bromo-3 piphidine (120) de sttrCochin1ie non dCterminCe.[Traduit par le journal] Can. J. Chem., 52, 1321 (1974) The first intramolecular haloamination reactions were carried out almost a century ago by Ladenburg (1,2) and Merling (3) but the structures of the products were not assigned correctly until 1900. At that time Willstatter (4) demonstrated that the zinc and hydroiodic acid reduction of the products obtained from dimethylamino-4-pentene (1, R' = R2 = CH,) and bromine or iodine gave 1,1,2-trimethylpy~rolidinium iodide (3, R' = R' = CH3). The five-membered further until 1962. In connection with their interest in the kinetics of the iodocyclization of various unsaturated systems, Shilov and coworkers (5) reported that primary as well as tertiary 4-pentenyl amines underwent the cyclization reaction. Subsequent publications (6-8) from that laboratory were devoted t o a further elaboration of the mechanism and the generality of the r e a~t i o n .~ In all cases the products were assigned five-membered cyclic structures (2), presumably on the basis of Willstatter's observation and by mechanistic analogy to other halocyclization reactions (9).3In relation to studies (14,15) concerning 'The existence of this reaction has evidently not been generally recognized in the chemical literature of the western world. Recent standard (!) reference texts (10-13) state only that, depending o n the ...