a De part ment of Aero nau ti cal En gi neer ing, Sathyabama Uni ver sity, Chennai, In dia b De part ment of Aero space En gi neer ing, B. S. Abdur Rahman Uni ver sity, Chennai, In dia Orig i nal sci en tific pa perIn rock etry ap pli ca tion, now-a-days in stead of monopropellants slowly com pos ite pro pel lants are in tro duced. Burn ing rate of a solid state com pos ite pro pel lant depends on many fac tors like ox i dizer-binder ra tio, ox i dizer par ti cle size and dis tri bution, par ti cle size and its dis tri bu tion, pres sure, tem per a ture, etc. Sev eral re searchers had taken the mass var ied com pos ite pro pel lant. In that, the am mo nium perchlorate mainly var ied from 85 to 90%. This pa per deals with the ox i dizer rich pro pel lant by al low ing small vari a tion of fuel cum binder rang ing from 2%, 4%, 6%, and 8% by mass. Since the per cent of the binder is very less com pared to the oxi dizer, the mix ture re mains in a pow der form. The pow der sam ples are used to make a pressed pel let. Experiments were con ducted in closed win dow bomb set-up at pres sures of 2, 3.5, and 7 MN/m 2 . The burn ing rates are cal cu lated from the combus tion pho tog ra phy (im ages) taken by a high-speed cam era. These im ages were pro cessed frame by frame in MATLAB, de tect ing the edges in the im ages of the frames. The burn ing rate is ob tained as the slope of the lin ear fit from MATLAB and ob served that the burn rate in creases with the mass vari a tion of con stit u ents present in solid state com pos ite pro pel lant. The re sult in di cates a re mark able in crease in burn rate of 26. 66%, 20%, 16.66%, and 3.33% for Mix 1, 2, 3, 4 com pared with Mix 5 at 7 MN/m 2 . The per cent age vari a tions in burn rate be tween Mix 1 and Mix 5 at 2, 3.5, and 7 MN/m 2 are 25. 833%, 32.322%, and 26.185%, re spec tively.