To promote solid wood production, the diameter at breast height, height, stress-wave velocity, surface-released strain, basic density and compressive strength parallel to the grain were measured for 10 half-sib families of 12-year-old Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. trees growing in Thailand. Based on the results, growth rates, correlations among measured properties, radial and among-family variations of wood properties, and their repeatability were evaluated. Diameter at breast height, height, and wood volume were exponentially increased at initial stage, and then gradually increased toward to 12 years after planting. The maximum current annual increment and mean annual increment in wood volume showed at age of 8 and 11years old, suggesting that rotation period for optimum productivity may be ranged from 8 to 11 years old. Wood with stable properties was found greater than 6 cm from the pith. These results indicate that 12-year-old E. camaldulensis trees had already reached the maturation stage. No significant correlations were found between growth characteristics and wood properties. Significant variances in the height, stress-wave velocity, and basic density were found among the 10 families. The F-values and repeatability of the wood properties in the outer wood were higher than those in the inner wood. These results indicate that the properties of the outer wood are closely related to genetic factors. Thus, to obtain superior E. camaldulensis trees for solid wood production, the family selection should be conducted using the outer wood of aged trees.