A general phenomenology for phase behaviour in the mixed phase of type-II superconductors with weak point pinning disorder is outlined. We propose that the "Bragg glass" phase generically transforms via two separate thermodynamic phase transitions into a disordered liquid on increasing the temperature. The first transition is into a glassy phase, topologically disordered at the largest length scales; current evidence suggests that it lacks the longranged phase correlations expected of a "vortex glass". This phase has a significant degree of short-ranged translational order, unlike the disordered liquid, but no quasi-long range order, in contrast to the Bragg glass. This glassy phase, which we call a "multi-domain glass", is confined to a narrow sliver at intermediate fields, but broadens out both for much larger and much smaller field values. The multi-domain glass may be a "hexatic glass"; alternatively, its glassy properties may originate in the replica symmetry breaking envisaged in recent theories of the structural glass transition. Estimates for translational correlation lengths in the multi-domain glass indicate that * Email:menon@imsc.ernet.in 1 they can be far larger than the interline spacing for weak disorder, suggesting a plausible mechanism by which signals of a two-step transition can be obscured. Calculations of the Bragg glass-multi-domain glass and the multidomain glass-disordered liquid phase boundaries are presented and compared to experimental data. We argue that these proposals provide a unified picture of the available experimental data on both high-T c and low-T c materials, simulations and current theoretical understanding.