In a preceding report (1) it was shown that those redox compounds that cause Heinz body anemias in vivo produce a sequence of changes in vitro in solutions of crystalline hemoglobin culminating in the precipitation of hemoglobin as spherical granules. These granules appear to be identical with Heinz bodies. The sequence of changes produced in hemoglobin by these compounds includes: 1) the formation of methemoglobin, 2) an increase in electrophoretic and chromatographic mobility, 3) the appearance of irreversible hemochromes such as sulfhemoglobin and 4) frank precipitation. It was found that similar changes in hemoglobin were produced rapidly by "simple" oxidants such as ferricyanide and slowly by prolonged incubation of hemoglobin alone under oxygen. Com breakdown by acting as a hydrogen donor in the peroxidative destruction of hydrogen peroxide. The necessity for regenerating GSH in such a mechanism would conceivably explain the hypersusceptibility to the action of oxidant compounds of red cells deficient in glucose or in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (7), since in the red cell, oxidative glycolysis via the pentose phosphate pathway (8), possibly supplemented by anaerobic glycolysis (9), provides the energy for reducing glutathione. On the other hand, there are certain differences between phenylhydrazine-like compounds and hydrogen peroxide in their action on hemoglobin (1). Phenylhydrazine and related compounds appear to destroy hemoglobin through the formation of a series of oxidant derivatives which may resemble, but are not identical with, hydrogen peroxide.The following studies were conducted in order to explore the participation of thiol groups in the oxidative destruction of hemoglobin.
METHODSPreparation of reagents. As described previously (1) buffered solutions of crystalline human hemoglobin were prepared by the method of Drabkin (10), and phenylhydrazine and related compounds were dissolved in isotonic (0.12 M) phosphate buffer, pH 7.4. Unless otherwise stated, glutathione,l an acid, was dissolved immediately before use in physiologic saline [since its reduced form is more stable at a low pH (11)] and was added slowly to buffered solutions of hemoglobin in amounts that did not affect the final pH of the solution. The sulfhydryl-binding compound, sodium p-chloromercuribenzoate2 (PCMB), is a base (probably existing as sodium p-hydroxymercuribenzoate) that is very poorly soluble at a physiologic pH; therefore it too was dissolved in unbuffered saline as a concentrate, which was then added slowly to buffered solutions of hemoglobin.General procedures. Methemoglobin and so-called sulfhemoglobin were measured by the Evelyn-Malloy