Nitrous oxide (N2O), a potent greenhouse gas, is produced disproportionately in marine oxygen deficient zones (ODZs). To quantify spatiotemporal variation in N2O cycling in an ODZ, we analyzed N2O concentration and isotopologues along a transect through the eastern tropical North Pacific (ETNP). At several stations along this transect, N2O concentrations reached a near surface maximum that exceeded prior measurements in this region, of up to 226.1 ± 20.5 nM at the coast. Above the σθ = 25.0 kg/m3 isopycnal, Keeling plot analysis revealed two sources to the near‐surface N2O maximum, with different δ15N2Oα and δ15N2Oβ values, but each with a site preference (SP) of 6‰–8‰. Given expected SPs for nitrification and denitrification, each of these sources could be comprised of 17%–26% nitrification (bacterial or archeal), and 74%–83% denitrification (or nitrifier‐denitrification). Below the σθ = 25.0 kg/m3 isopycnal, box model analysis indicated that the observed 46‰–50‰ SPs in the anoxic core of the ODZ cannot be reproduced in a steady state context without an SP for N2O production by denitrification, and may indicate instead a transient net consumption of N2O. Furthermore, time‐dependent model results indicated that while δ15N2Oα and δ18O‐N2O reflect both N2O production and consumption in the anoxic core of the ODZ, δ15N2Oβ predominantly reflects N2O sources. Finally, we infer that the high (N2O) observed at some stations derive from a set of conditions supporting high rates of N2O production that have not been previously encountered in this region.