Urine samples from boys admitted to a Remand Home in Ireland during the last quarter of 1969 and the first quarter of J970 have been analysed by gas liquid ckromatograpky for the presence of amphetamine and nicotine. Government control of the import, distribution, and sale of amphetamine preparations was imposed in Ireland at the beginmt^ of 1970. During the last quarter of 1969 amphetamine was detected in the urine of 11-4per cent of the sample of 123 bt^s. During the first quarter of 1970, 171 samples of urine were tested, and cmipketamine was foimd in 0'6per cent, Jiicotine was detected in 69 per cent of the specimens during i^ last quarter of 1969 and in 71 per cent during ^ first quarter of 1970. The reported results of analyses for amphetamine in urines from English Remand Home boys have been analysed during the period 1965 to 1970. There has hem a consistent and slow reduction in percentage of positive samples from 17'2 per centin 1965 to 2'0 per cent in 1970. This reduction is compared with the sudden fall from 1I'4 per cent to 0-6 per cent which took place in Ireland during the six month period when the Govemment control order on amphetamines came into effect.