Amphibians play an important role in the formation of biodiversity and functioning in most terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems. Urbanization threatens to survive many species due to the destruction of natural ecosystems whose remains become fragmented, isolated, and modified by urbanization processes. The floodplain and coastal ecosystems along both banks of the Dnipro River within the limits of the Dnipro city agglomeration are investigated. The current diversity of amphibians in this territory is represented by six species, which is 55% of the total amount of amphibian fauna of the Dnipropetrovsk region. They are Lissotriton vulgaris, Pelophylаx ridibundus, Pelobates vespertinus, Bombina bombina, Hyla orientalis, and Bufotes viridis. The largest diversity of amphibians was found on the site near the Samara Gulf, where small urbanization and anthropogenic influence are observed. The smallest diversity of amphibians was found for the site of residential community "Pobeda", where only two species of amphibians were revealed. The assessment of the similarity of amphibian communities shows that their diversity is the most similar for ecosystems of the right bank of the Dnipro River near the residential communities "Chervony Kamin", "Pokrovsky", and "Parus" and the ecosystems on the left bank near the Samara Gulf. The most numerous and widespread species is the marsh frog P. ridibundus, which lives along the coastline of the Dnieper River. Its populations are relatively stable according to their high number and distribution. The populations of L. vulgaris, B. bombina, and H. orientalis are under the threat of declining, as evidenced by their low number and dependence on small water bodies. Therefore, the reconstruction of the coastline and any earthwork and building activity should be accompanied by the measures on the preservation of small reservoirs along the Dnieper River. The obtained results develop our knowledge about the actual state of biodiversity and species wealth abundance of the Dnieper River within the northern steppe subzone of Ukraine and may be used for planning of the environmental protection measures.