Epiphytotic occurrence of broomrape was observed in Serbia for the first time in 1951, then again at the beginning of the 1990s which continues up to date. It is hypothesized that the new race was introduced by confectionery sunflower seed. Sunflower is threatened in the north of the region of Bačka. The main foci of hazard are sunflower fields on the route Subotica -Bačka Topola, with a tendency of spreading toward Senta and Čantavir, while the second direction is toward Čonoplja and Aleksa Šantić, and then to the south. Less intensive attack has also been noticed in Banat around Padej, Itebej and Vršac. It is significant to underline that broomrape has appeared in new localities Svetozar Miletić, Mol, Novi Bečej and Zmajevo in which it had not been registered previously. In 2008, infected areas were found in Bor County (two sunflower plots) near the state border with Romania and Bulgaria.The analysis of the parasitic population showed that broomrape in Serbia belongs to race E of the parasite. Continual monitoring of the broomrape population is important due to changes in race composition and evolution of new, more virulent races. The most reliable method for control of the parasite is cultivation of resistant sunflower hybrids including IMI resistant hybrids.