Modeling the behavior of a radially polarized, hollow piezoelectric cylinder working at different temperature conditions is the topic of this article. The temperature dependence is taken into account through temperature-dependent material properties, pyroelectricity, and thermal dimension changes, simultaneously. The cylinder is electrically excited at its outer surface by a harmonic voltage. Two different structural boundary conditions being clamped-free and traction-free cases are considered. Symmetry of the structure, boundary conditions, and applied harmonic loads lead to an axisymmetric problem which is solved analytically. Temperature dependence of the first resonance frequency, radial stress, and displacement of the cylinder for different structural boundary conditions are then investigated. It was shown that the resonance frequency of the device is almost temperature independent in the traction-free case while it changes in the clamped-free case. The derived equations are verified by other published data and the finite-element software of Comsol Multiphysics.