Photograph widely circulated on social media. This version accessed from the UCT: Rhodes Must Fall Facebook group, 13 May 2020 3.2 Marion Walgate's statue of Rhodes at the University of Cape Town. Photograph by Danie van der Merwe, used under Wikipedia Creative Commons licence. This file is licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic licence 3.3 The University of Cape Town, with the Rhodes statue in its original position, slightly further down the slope. In the background, Devil's Peak. Author's photograph of the original located in the Manuscripts and Archives Department of the University of Cape Town Library. Used with permission of the University of Cape Town Library 3.4 Rhodes Memorial, another temple on a hill. Photograph by SkyPixels, used under Wikipedia Creative Commons licence. This file is licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International (https:// licence 4.1 Memorial to Enslaved People, 3D model pictures: general view, detailed view, memorial future uses. Courtesy of Kiluanji Kia Henda, 2019 4.2 General view of African exhibition at National Museum of Ethnology. Courtesy of Fernando Guerra | FG+SG, 2014 4.3 Composition of three photos with different works of art and perspectives of the Public Art Gallery at Quinta do Mocho. Picture 1: Reflex of an African Beauty (reflexo da uma beleza africana) by Huariu (Portuguese artist); Picture 2: Worker Ghetto Box by MTO (French artist) and, on the right,