In this paper, we use geometric singular perturbation theory and blowup, as our main technical tool, to study the mixed mode oscillations (MMOs) that occur in two coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo units with repulsive coupling. In particular, we demonstrate that the MMOs in this model are not due generic folded singularities, but rather due to singularities at a cusp -not a fold -of the critical manifold. Using blowup, we determine the number of SAOs analytically, showing -as for the folded nodes -that they are determined by the Weber equation and the ratio of eigenvalues. We also show that the model undergoes a saddle-node bifurcation in the desingularized reduced problem, which -although resembling a folded saddle-node (type II) at the level of the reduced problem -also occurs on a cusp, and not a fold. We demonstrate that this bifurcation is associated with the emergence of an invariant cylinder, the onset of SAOs, as well as SAOs of increasing amplitude. We relate our findings with numerical computations and find excellent agreement.