We show that Neural Nets can be useful for top analysis at Tevatron. The main features of tt and background events on a mixed sample are projected in a single output, which controls the efficiency and purity of the tt signal. * This research is partly supported by EU under contract number CHRX-CT92-0004.The announced discovery of the top quark by CDF [1] at Tevatron has originated a big excitation in the scientific community. Although the statistics is too limited † to establish the existence of the top quark, it is however natural to interpret the excess of events as tt. The experimental situation will certainly improve in next months and top will hopefully be confirmed. From the theoretical point of view, the consistency of the Standard Model demands top to be the partner of the bottom quark, ensuring the absence of flavor changing neutral currents [3]. The CDF value of the top mass, m t = 174 ± 10, is consistent with recent theoretical studies on radiative corrections combined with precision measurements of the Z boson mass and the strong coupling constant at LEP leading to m t = 165The dominant top production mechanism at Tevatron is qq → tt, followed by gg → tt. Once produced, the top decays into bW , with the subsequent W → lν, qq ′ decay, in the detector. There are therefore three possible final states for the tt signal which , on increasing branching ratios, are:1. Two charged leptons, missing energy and two jets 2. One charged lepton, missing energy and four jets 3. Six jets.They need different strategies for top searches and different backgrounds have to be considered respectively. The first channel suffers from a small branching ratio and the presence of two undetected neutrinos that makes top reconstruction unfeasible. It has been analyzed in terms of the correlations among the charged leptons [5] and, recently, it has been suggested to be separable from its possible backgrounds [6]. The most investigated channel so far is the one containing one charged lepton [7]. It has a sizeable branching ratio with a moderate background. Still the neutrino escapes detection and hence the event can not be completely reconstructed. The third channel, six final jets, is the most likely and allows full top reconstruction but at expenses of a huge QCD background. Recently, it has been pointed out that tagging of a b-quark can help to obtain acceptable signal to background ratios for m t < 180 GeV [8].All mentioned channels need some specific experimental cuts for detecting jets and/or hard leptons as well as for their isolation. This, together with detector performance, implies † CDF has reported on 12 events, with 6 events for the estimated background, with a 0.26% probability of observing background fluctuation. D0 instead has not a clear signal of the top quark [2]. 2 a sensible reduction on the number of possible tt candidates, and demands a good efficiency for discerning real from fake tt background events. We propose to use Neural Nets (NNs) for the analysis of experimental data trying to maximize the s...