ABSTRACT. A 14 kilodalton (kDa) serum amyloid A (apoSAA) protein was purified from cow serum. Rabbit antiserum to the 14 kDa apoSAA recognized, in addition to the 14 kDa protein, a 7.5-9.0 kDa protein and a protein having a molecular mass of less than 6.5 kDa (<6.5 kDa protein). The possibility that the two proteins were contaminants was excluded by results showing that the two proteins detected in early stages of purification procedures were not found in the purified 14 kDa apoSAA fraction, as revealed by immunoblot analysis. As in the 14 kDa apoSAA, the 7.5-9.0 kDa protein was localized in the high-density lipoprotein fraction, while the <6.5 kDa protein was in the low-density lipoprotein fraction. In calves with pneumonia induced by inoculation to the lungs of Pasteurella haemolitica, the serum concentration of the 14 kDa apoSAA was increased, whereas those of the 7.5-9.0 kDa and the <6.5 kDa proteins were conversely decreased. The time-course study indicated that the increase in concentration of the 14 kDa apoSAA and decrease in that of the <6.5 kDa protein occurred almost simultaneously. These results suggest that the 14 kDa apoSAA and the immunologically related 7.5-9.0 kDa and <6.5 kDa proteins act as positive and negative acute phase reactants, respectively, and also that concentrations of the three proteins are regulated in concert in acute phase plasma. fraction and, moreover, the serum concentration of the 14 kDa apoSAA was increased whereas those of the two low molecular mass proteins were conversely decreased in sera from calves with pneumonia induced by inoculation of Pasteurella haemolitica.
Purification of apoSAA:ApoSAA was purified from cow serum during the course of purification of apoC-III [26]. Briefly, the total lipoprotein fraction [d<1.21, containing chylomicrons (CM) to HDL] prepared from sera of Holstein cows during midlactation was treated with an equal volume of acetone to extract low molecular mass apolipoproteins such as apoC-III and apoSAA. The supernatant obtained by centrifugation at 140 × g for 10 min was lyophilized and thereafter delipidated by mixing with 20 volumes of 2-propanol. Apolipoproteins pelleted by centrifugation at 1,300 × g for 10 min, were dissolved in 6 M urea and 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.6), and applied to a column (2.5 × 90 cm) of Sephadex G-75 (Pharmacia Biotech, Uppsala, Sweden). Fractions rich in low molecular mass apolipoproteins were next applied to a DEAE-Sephacel (Pharmacia Biotech, Uppsala, Sweden) column (2 × 25 cm), and bound proteins were eluted by use of a linear gradient of NaCl (0-0.125 M, total 1 liter). Fractions containing apoSAA were dialyzed against 10 mM ammonium hydrogen carbonate, using cellulose dialyzer tubing with a 3,500 molecular weight cutoff, after which the dialysate was