We consider in this paper the time-dependent two-phase Stefan problem and derive a posteriori error estimates and adaptive strategies for its conforming spatial and backward Euler temporal discretizations. Regularization of the enthalpy-temperature function and iterative linearization of the arising systems of nonlinear algebraic equations are considered. Our estimators yield a guaranteed and fully computable upper bound on the dual norm of the residual, as well as on the L 2 (L 2 ) error of the temperature and the L 2 (H −1 ) error of the enthalpy. Moreover, they allow to distinguish the space, time, regularization, and linearization error components. An adaptive algorithm is proposed, which ensures computational savings through the online choice of a sufficient regularization parameter, a stopping criterion for the linearization iterations, local space mesh refinement, time step adjustment, and equilibration of the spatial and temporal errors. We also prove the efficiency of our estimate. Our analysis is quite general and is not focused on a specific choice of the space discretization and of the linearization. As an example, we apply it to the vertex-centered finite volume (finite element with mass lumping and quadrature) and Newton methods. Numerical results illustrate the effectiveness of our estimates and the performance of the adaptive algorithm.MSC: 65N08, 65N15, 65N50, 80A22
IntroductionThe two-phase Stefan problem models a phase change process which is governed by the Fourier law, c.f. Friedman [22]. The two phases, typically solid and liquid, are separated by a moving interface, whose motion is governed by the so-called Stefan condition., be an open bounded polygonal or polyhedral domain, not necessarily convex, and let T > 0. The mathematical statement of the problem is as follows: given an initial enthalpy u 0 and a source function f , find the enthalpy u such that(1.1c) * This work was supported by the ERT project "Enhanced oil recovery and geological sequestration of CO 2 : mesh adaptivity, a posteriori error control, and other advanced techniques" (LJLL/IFPEN) † daniele.di-pietro@univ-montp2.fr ‡