In this work, we introduce a novel hp-adaptive strategy. The main goal is to minimize the complexity and implementational efforts hence increasing the robustness of the algorithm while keeping close to optimal numerical results. We employ a multi-level hierarchical data structure imposing Dirichlet nodes to manage the so-called hanging nodes. The hp-adaptive strategy is based on performing quasi-optimal unrefinements. Taking advantage of the hierarchical structure of the basis functions both in terms of the element size h and the polynomial order of approximation p, we mark those with the lowest contributions to the energy of the solution and remove them. This straightforward unrefinement strategy does not need from a fine grid or complex data structures, making the algorithm flexible to many practical situations and existing implementations. On the other side, we also identify some limitations of the proposed strategy, namely: (a) data structures only support isotropic h-refinements (although p-anisotropic refinements are enabled), (b) we assume certain quasi-orthogonality properties of the basis functions in the energy norm, and (c) in this work, we restrict to symmetric and positive definite problems. We illustrate these and other advantages and limitations of the proposed hp-adaptive strategy with several one-, two-and three-dimensional Poisson examples.