were given the WISC first. Also, their research grouped the children homogeneously by age within groups with the youngest subject being 9-6. I n contrast, our sample included children ranging in age froni 6-12 years a t the time they were administered the WISC.Results of this present. research show the WISC-R to be a valid instrument for classifying children as ERIR. This finding should be most reliable for EMR children who are similar in geographic and educational background to the ones used in this study. Due to the differential findings of the Hamm, et al., study and the present one, however, and the importance of this issue, a large scale research project is needed which would include the youngest school-aged children, with consideration given to geographic region and the effect of test-retest interval. REFERENCES HAMU, H., WHLI.LLR, J., MACCALLUM, S., H L R R I N , M., HUNTLR, D , & CATOI., C. A compaiison between the WISC and WISC-R among Educable Mentally Retarded students. an the Schools, 1976, 13, 4-8.The completed WISC-11s of 76 white urban children (6-0 to 5 9 ) were rescored utilizing the Satz and Mogel criteria for an abbreviated intelligence measure. Extremely high correlations for IQs ( .96 -.98) and subtests ( .66 -, 95) were found. However, when mean differences between complete WISC-It and the shortened form were examined, significant differences between administrations were found. Furthermore, one-third of the subjects showed changes in intelligence classification levels when the abbreviated form was used. Thus, two of the three criteria previously suggested for a valid abbreviated intelligence test of: (a) a significantly high correlation between administration forms; (b) nonsignificant t-tests between t,he abbreviated and standard form mean I&; and (c) low percentage of I& classification change wit,h the administration of the short form, were not met. It, was concluded, however, that the abbreviated WISC-R may be appropriate when intelligence is a question relative to candidacy for therapy or as a noncritical, general indication .of intelligence when I& classification is not important and/or assessment time is limited.The Satz-Mogel short form of the Wechsler Scale has consistently correlated highly with the complete administration (.92 -.99), regardlcss of intellectual level or diagnostic classification (Satz & Mogel, 1962). The advantage of this shortened form over others is that i t utilizes all of the subtests on the scales to Requests for reprints should be sent to Robert J. Resnick,