2D-3D registration is increasingly being applied in various scientific and engineering scenarios. However, due to appearance differences and cross-modal discrepancies, it is demanding for image and point cloud registration methods to establish correspondences, making 2D-3D registration highly challenging. To handle these problems, we propose a novel and automatic solution for 2D-3D registration in Manhattan world based on line primitives, which we denote as VPPnL. Firstly, we derive the rotation matrix candidates by establishing the vanishing point coordinate system as the link of point cloud principal directions to camera coordinate system. Subsequently, the RANSAC algorithm, which accounts for the clustering of parallel lines, is employed in conjunction with the least-squares method for translation vectors estimation and optimization. Finally, a nonlinear least-squares graph optimization method is carried out to optimize the camera pose and realize the 2D-3D registration and point colorization. Experiments on synthetic data and real-world data illustrate that our proposed algorithm can address the problem of 2D-3D direct registration in the case of Manhattan scenes where images are limited and sparse.