Denial of service (DoS) attack [1, 2] is a common attack vector, which generally seeks to exhaust the limited network resources, resulting in the legitimate users' requests not being processed. DoS attacks are becoming more widespread, targeting IoT networks [3, 4], SDN networks [5, 6], cloud computing environments [7, 8] and cyber-physical systems [9]. Aiming to combat DoS attacks, many methods have been proposed, in which a common detection method is based on abnormal statistical characteristics. Another type of DoS attack is the low-rate denial of service (LDoS) attack [10-12] that is hard to be accurately detected due to its low-rate nature. Many LDoS attacks have emerged, such as Shrew attacks [13], LoRDAS attacks [14], slow DoS attacks(e.g. Slow Next, SlowComm) [15, 16], etc. These attacks have the same characteristics, that is, they do not need to maintain sustained high-speed attack traffic to cause damage. Among all these attacks, TCP-targeted LDoS attacks are one of the most common LDoS attacks. To reduce the TCP's throughput, the attacker sends packet bursts