The purpose of this paper is to employ stochastic techniques to increase efficiency of the classical algorithms for solving nonlinear optimization problems.
The well-known simulated annealing strategy is employed to search successive neighborhoods of the classical trust region (TR) algorithm.
An adaptive formula for computing the TR radius is suggested based on an eigenvalue analysis conducted on the memoryless Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno updating formula. Also, a (heuristic) randomized adaptive TR algorithm is developed for solving unconstrained optimization problems. Results of computational experiments on a set of CUTEr test problems show that the proposed randomization scheme can enhance efficiency of the TR methods.
Practical implications
The algorithm can be effectively used for solving the optimization problems which appear in engineering, economics, management, industry and other areas.
The proposed randomization scheme improves computational costs of the classical TR algorithm. Especially, the suggested algorithm avoids resolving the TR subproblems for many times.