The detection of moving objects by machine vision is a hot research direction in recent years. It is widely used in military, medical, transportation, and agriculture. With the rapid development of UAV technology, as well as the high mobility of UAVs and the wide range of high-altitude vision, the target detection technology based on UAV vision is applied to traffic management such as vehicle tracking and detection of vehicle violations. The moving target detection technology in this study is based on the YOLOv3 algorithm. It implements moving vehicle tracking by means of Mean-Shift and Kalman filtering. In this paper, the Gaussian background difference technology is used to analyze the illegal behavior of the vehicle, and the color feature extraction technology is used to identify and locate the license plate, and the information of the illegal vehicle is entered into the database. The experiment compares the moving target detection of UAV vision and the traditional target detection in four aspects: recognition accuracy, recognition speed, manual time, and divergent results. The results show that the average accuracy rates of UAV vision-based moving target detection and traditional pattern recognition are 98.4% and 87.8%, respectively. The recognition speeds are 24.9 (vehicles/sec) and 10.6 (vehicles/sec), respectively. However, the artificial time and divergence results of moving target detection based on UAV vision are only 1/3 of the traditional mode. The moving target detection based on UAV vision has a better moving target detection ability.