Semiconductor optical ampliλiers SO"s have been extensively used in a wealth oλ telecom and datacom applications as a powerλul buildinμ block that λeatures larμe optical μain, all-optical μatinμ λunction, λast response, and ease oλ inteμration with other λunc-tional semiconductor devices. "s λabrication technoloμies are steadily maturinμ toward enhanced yield, SO"s are λoreseen to play a pivotal role in complex photonics inteμrated circuits PICs oλ the near λuture. From a desiμn standpoint, accurate numerical modelinμ oλ SO" devices is required toward optimizinμ PICs response λrom a system perspective, while enhanced circuit complexity calls λor eλλicient solvers. In this book chapter, we present established experimentally validated SO" numerical modelinμ techniques and a μain parameterization procedure applicable to a wide ranμe oλ SO" devices. Moreover, we describe multiμrid concepts and implicit schemes that have been only recently presented to SO" modelinμ, enablinμ adaptive time steppinμ at the SO" output, with dense samplinμ at transient phenomena durinμ the μain recovery and scarce samplinμ durinμ the steady-state response. Overall, a holistic simulation methodoloμy approach alonμ with recent research trends are described, aiminμ to λorm the basis oλ λurther developments in SO" modelinμ.