GENERAL OVERVIEWObjective: This project seeks to improve the application of noble gas isotope studies to multiphase fluid processes in the Earth's crust by (1) identifying the important noble gas carrier phases in sediments to address the processes that have led to the observed enrichment and depletion patterns in sedimentary rocks and fluids, (2) examine the mechanisms by which such noble gas patterns are acquired, trapped and subsequently released to mobile crustal fluids, and (3) evaluate the time and length scales for the transport of noble gas components, such as radiogenic 4 He, through the continental crust..
Project Description:Sedimentary rocks and oil field gases typically are enriched in heavy noble gases: Xe/Ar ratios of ~10-10,000 times the ratio in air have been observed that cannot be explained by adsorption hypotheses. Laboratory experiments designed to isolate sedimentary phases for noble gas analysis are conducted to identify the carrier phase(s). It has been observed that radiogenic 4 He accumulates in confined aquifer waters at rates that exceed the rate of local production and approaching the whole crustal production rate. A literature evaluation of 4 He, 3 He crustal fluxes is being conducted to evaluate crustal scale mass transport in terms of the rate, mechanisms, temporal and spatial variability and the role played by tectonic processes.
Results:The laboratory study has concentrated on noble gas abundances in a variety of sedimentary silica samples. We have found that, in general, samples of inorganic silica have noble gas abundances that are consistent with occlusion of air-saturated water in fluid inclusions and lack requisite enrichment/depletion factors needed to explain the noble gas inventory in oil field fluids. However, numerous replicate analyses of noble gases extracted from silica spicules from live sponges (Calyxnicaeensis) show significantly enriched Ar, Kr, and Xe concentrations ([ i Ng] sample /[ i Ng] asw > 1), but with very little if any mass dependence in the acquisition and trapping of Ar, Kr and Xe. Noble gases in silica samples from the (diatomaceous) Monterey Formation (Elk Hills oil field, CA) and an Atlantic box core were found to be somewhat depleted with respect to the sponge spicule, fractionated in a fashion favoring the heavy noble gases, and approach the compositions that have been observed in bulk deep sea sediments. We suspect that the differences in noble gas absolute and relative abundances between the sponge spicule samples and the more evolved diatomaceous samples are related to either (1) fundamental differences in the biologically controlled mineralization or (2) postdepositional effects related to the progressive crystallization of amorphous silica (e.g. opal-A) to more ordered structures. Laboratory cultured diatoms and box core sea sediment samples collected as a function of depth within the sediment column have been processed for analysis of the silica phases to address these questions.Through a statistical evaluation using a global data bas...