and 4Re~earch Institute for the Care of Mother and Child, Prague, Czechoslovakia WtviEka, V., Fornusek, L., Sima, P., Bilej, M., Taborsky, L., kihova, B., Sirneckova, J., Miler, I. Effects of bilirubin on murine peritoneal and spleen cells. APMIS 96: 671-675, 1988.The effect of bilirubin on murine peritoneal and spleen cells was investigated. Bilirubin was found to have a strong and rapid effect on the expression of various kinds of Fc receptors on peritoneal macrophages. Significant changes were observed 30 min after the infection of bilirubin. The return to normal values was not observed earlier than after 24 h. The effect of bilirubin on Fc receptor expression of splenic macrophages was less pronounced. Expression of Ia antigen on macrophages was not influenced by bilirubin. The changes in percentage of sIg' and Thy 1.2' lymphocytes reflect a change in the ratio of T to B cells in the peritoneal cavity, as bilirubin caused 40% increase in numbers of B cells and a similar decrease in numbers of T cells. The percentage of splenic B lymphocytes was not influenced by bilirubin injection; but the ratio of T helper to suppressor cells was altered.receptor expression and phagocytic activity of mouse peritoneal marophages. Folia Microbiol. 30: 25. Yunemasu, K.: Anti-human Clq: Rapid and simple method for preparing monospecific antisera.