Let φ be a smooth function on a compact interval I. Let γ(t) = t, t 2 , · · · , t n−1 , φ(t). In this paper, we show that I ˆ f (γ(t)) q φ (n) (t) 2 n(n+1) dt 1/q ≤ Cf L p (R n) holds in the range 1 ≤ p < n 2 + n + 2 n 2 + n , 1 ≤ q < 2 n 2 + n p. This generalizes an affine restriction theorem of Sjölin [22] for n = 2. Our proof relies on ideas of Sjölin [22] and Drury [11], and more recently Bak-Oberlin-Seeger [3] and Stovall [24], as well as a variation bound for smooth functions.